• The Fiddler's Elbow (map)
  • 1 Malden Road
  • London, NW5 3HS
  • United Kingdom

Top night of live music and where better to finish off the weekend!

RIFKA write, rehearse and record their music off the grid in their own solar and wind-powered studio built from all recycled materials. Hidden in the hedgerows, beyond the green lanes, they map out landscapes of unique perspectives and visions from a band that truly live, and create, as outsiders. Tellers of tales from bandit country, Rifka's music is completely and naturally unique...

ZHCP, four architects in love of funk rock. Together since 2018.

Coming from different musical experiences and tastes, but connected by the love for rock and crossover, their main artistic reference are the Red Hot Chili Pepper, and their style adopted also to challenge rock standards’ arrangements and original compositions. Fast Funk is their anthem.

The Fiddler’s show has a very special meaning to the band as it will be their last gig with their vocalist, Drew, who has decided to fly across the ocean for a new life. 

Mic Drop.

One Last, Drew!



Drew Merkele – Lead voice

Filippo Innocenti – Guitar

Maurizio Meossi – Bass

Gabriele De Giovanni - Drums

Youtube channel:




We are ANJEL. A recently formed 4-piece band born and raised in West London. Our musical focus is on Alt rock although we delve into grunge. We have been inspired by Muse, Nirvana, Southgarden and other similar musical styles.