• The Fiddler's Elbow (map)
  • 1 Malden Road
  • London, NW5 3HS
  • United Kingdom

Great live music is a captivating and transformative experience that has the power to transport us into another realm. There's an unspoken energy in the air as the crowd gathers in anticipation, eagerly awaiting the moment when the first note strikes. The sound of instruments vibrating through the air, perfectly synchronized with the beat of our hearts, creates a magical atmosphere that unites strangers, reignites old memories, and stirs emotions deep within our souls. THis is why you need to get to The Fiddlers and bring some friends to enjoy a great night out!!!

Pay on the door

Ramoanz headlining a four band line up and closing the evening.

A must for any fans of the Ramones as four old punks play some of their best songs and recreate the original Ramones songs, in their own way

 HALCYON’s second EP relights the fire

LONDON, UK- Alt-rock trio HALCYON release their latest EP 'Mid Season Finale' as a followup to their debut 'Nightwalks.' The band come together after 3 years to work with producer and engineer; Bob Cooper, with a self reflective search into the pain and beauty of a creative process. 

After their pandemic release 'Nightwalks', the band found themselves at a creative rut and decided to take a long break from creating new music to focus on personal lives and mental health. The EP explores this era of the 3 members' lives whilst introspectively looking at numerous themes surrounding creative dissonance. This 3 track EP says a lot in its short run time and stretches the band's ability both from a songwriting and performance point of view. 

Who: HALCYON, a UK alt-rock trio with roots in Emo and Post-Hardcore

What: ‘Mid Season Finale’ the second EP from UK Emo band HALCYON 

When: Sept 15, 2023

For Fans of: Foxing, Microwave, Radiohead, Manchester Orchestra 

The Mighty Heartache 

If you like your rock'n'roll with the swagger and heart of the 70s, the spirit of the 60’s, a dollop of country and rockabilly, and words to make you think - maybe make you cry - and a beat to get your feet a dancin’, The Mighty Heartache is what you’re looking for. 

Think, Elvis C meets Elvis P with the energy of the Clash, the raunch of The Stones, all mixed up in Nashville and dropped into the heart of the Finchley Delta.

Their recent single SNAP! has been receiving rave reviews and lots of radio play. Catch 'em while they're hot!

Down With The Stereotype

are a lively and progressive three piece rock band from south West London. Will (bassist) and Amber (singer/guitarist) are brother and sister and have been playing music together for five years with their drummer Luke joining almost two years ago. 

Their songs are a mix of poetic lyrics with mesmeric melodies. Will’s effortless bass playing and Luke’s energetic style of drumming animate their songs- key components to the DWTS sound. September 1st saw the release of their first album, On The Lilac River, which can be found on all streaming platforms. Due to their eclectic mix of individual influences, anything and everything including Rush and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, it’s hard to identify the exact genre they play.  You listen to their music and think “That’s DWTS”.