• The Fiddler's Elbow (map)
  • 1 Malden Road
  • London, NW5 3HS
  • United Kingdom

Wednesday Special with the AMAZING;

The Mighty Heartache 

If you like your rock'n'roll with the swagger and heart of the 70s, the spirit of the 60’s, a dollop of country and rockabilly, and words to make you think - maybe make you cry - and a beat to get your feet a dancin’, The Mighty Heartache is what you’re looking for. 

Think, Elvis C meets Elvis P with the energy of the Clash, the raunch of The Stones, all mixed up in Nashville and dropped into the heart of the Finchley Delta.

Their recent single SNAP! has been receiving rave reviews and lots of radio play. Catch 'em while they're hot!

Real Teeth

Real Teeth are a three-piece alternative rock band who formed at Leicester University in 2016. Influenced by artists such as Queens of The Stone Age, Interpol and Wolf Alice, they have had success  with gigs up and the country, as well as radio play from BBC Introducing East Midlands following the release of their first EP (“Dregs”).        

Live performances showcase their energy and dynamism with a that sound spanning heavy guitars, grooving bass and tight yet frantic drums with introspective vocals. Their latest single Drive By Argument is available to stream or download now.

Pulling Muscles

4 well travelled and grizzled music industry veterans playing hidden gems unearthed mainly from the 1970s and '80s. 

We tend to cover songs that most bands don't which makes us a bit different to the typical run-of-the-mill "Mustang Sally, Alright Now, Living on a Prayer" jockeys out there. I guess our point is that audiences will probably know (or at least recognise) most of the songs but may not necessarily remember from where. 

That said we also throw in some easily accessible ones as well - after all, its a gig- not a quiz.